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Happy Valentine’s Day from Veterans Place

Valentines Day Banner

At Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard, we would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is a time when we treat our loved ones to a special dinner, a box of chocolates, or other thoughtful gifts to show them how much we love and appreciate them. While you are enjoying this holiday filled with love, take the time to consider donating to our Veterans.

How Your Valentine’s Donation Helps Our Veterans

When you donate to Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard, your generous contribution will directly benefit a veteran in need. With these donations, you enable us to provide our Veterans with the clothing, shelter, and resources they need to become more self-sufficient and make the transition out of homelessness.

With the help of our community, we are able to achieve great things, such as our Micro Homes Village, which will provide Veterans with temporary transitional housing. This community will also provide Veterans with educational, communal, and workforce development opportunities to assist Veterans in their transition out of homelessness.

In addition to monetary donations, Veterans Place is also accepting donations of gloves, hats, cold weather socks, and other zero-degree clothing to help keep our Veterans warn throughout the winter season. As many Pittsburghers know, February can become bitterly cold and snowy, so these donations of clothing and cold weather gear are greatly appreciated. For more information on how you can make a monetary donation or a clothing donation, visit our donate page today.

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Our newsletter is full of exciting information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and more! It is also a great way to stay informed about issues facing our Veterans and how you can help. Sign up for our newsletter today to stay up to date with Veterans Place!

Rob Hamilton

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