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Transitioning From a Military Career

Transitioning from Military career

Change isn’t an easy task. Likewise, the transition from the military may not be easy, but with the right tools to prepare for the transition, you can make it easier and less stressful. At Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard, we’ve put together some helpful tips to make your transition from a military career a smooth one.

Preparation is Key

Having a plan and preparing for your next move out of your military career can help you relieve stress and give you more confidence when entering a new situation. While you are still a service member, be sure to take advantage of services available to you, such as the Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program. If you decide you want to switch careers or need more training or education to compete for jobs, research your educational opportunities and see how your VA benefits may support your education.

Make a list of your skills and brainstorm about how they can translate into a civilian career. You will also want to polish your resume and ask your supervisors to write you letters of referral or ask them if you can list them as job references. You should also speak with other service members who have transitioned into a civilian career for moral support and pointers to make the transition easier.

Utilize Your Network of Support

Job hunting can be draining, so it’s great to have a support network you can lean on. Military colleagues, family, friends, and neighbors can serve as great contacts for job opportunities. Learn whom your contacts know, where they worked, and who they may be able to put you in touch with as you transition into a civilian career.

Learn How to Use LinkedIn

If you are not already on LinkedIn, now is the time to create a profile. LinkedIn allows you to network, search for jobs, and utilize a variety of career-building resources. Additionally, the VA offers transitioning service members a free year of LinkedIn Prime. This includes 14,000 LinkedIn learning courses including, Transition from Military to Civilian Employment and Transition from Military to Student Life.

Speak with a VA Recruiter

A VA recruiter can assist you with speeding up your job application process and help you secure a job interview. You can ask your recruiter questions and for guidance on finding the perfect job opportunity for your skillset. They can also help you prepare for a job interview and polish your resume.

Veterans Place Career Services

At Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard, we provide support and assistance to veterans to help them obtain competitive employment. Veterans Place Workforce Development Team provides assistance with resume building, transportation, uniforms, training and certifications, and case management to ensure every veteran is able to follow their chosen career path. To learn more about these services or support our mission in ending veteran homelessness, contact us today!

Rob Hamilton

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